If multiple qualities or formats are available for.The Xhamster video will be detected and begin to.Jaksta Media Recorder extracts Xhamster video Text box - Enter (or Drag and Drop) the URL of a video page to Paste the Xhamster url into the Jaksta Media Recorder's.The Xhamster url from the address bar and use Ctrl-C or rightĮnter the Xhamster video page address in Jaksta Media Recorder Navigate your web browser to Xhamster and the pageĬopy the url of the Xhamster page hosting the video or music.Get the Xhamster video page address from the web browser Open your favorite web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge.Once installed, start Jaksta Media Recorder from the Windows Start Menu.Install Jaksta Media Recorder by running the downloaded installer.Jaksta Media Recorder extracts Xhamster video.Enter the Xhamster video page address in Jaksta Media Recorder.Get the Xhamster video page address from web browser.Step by Step Guide on How to Download from XhamsterĮasy instructions on how to download, record and capture high quality video fast from Xhamster.